TINA - The Tina Turner Musical Tickets
Lunt-Fontanne Theatre | New York, New York
A lot of the current trending musicals you can see on Broadway or in theater, are based on historical events. Others may be based on characters or figures from the past. For the most part, the vast majority of them remain extremely closely true to the facts or original story. You and your family can enjoy a musical, while also educating yourselves about important events in history. Unlike typical learning though, this will be engaging, entertaining and fun. Before you even know it, the show will be over and you will have learned about something mind-blowing from the past. So why not come and educate yourself some more at the Lunt Fontanne Theatre with one of the all-time classics of broadway, TINA – The Tina Turner Musical?!
Talk about stars in the making. The talented children who play Young Anna Mae (Tina) will tug at your heartstrings while wowing your eardrums. During last night’s performance, Claudia Elie put on a performance that would blow you away if it came from a seasoned performer! So come and see an emotional rollercoaster at the Lunt Fontanne Theatre in Manhattan for a night of pure entertainment that will be unmissable!